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Chiropractic is a form of holistic health care that focuses on the function of the central nervous system. The Central Nervous System is made up of the brain and spinal cord and is the only organ in the body that is protected by a layer of bone: the skull which protects the brain and the vertebral column (spine) that protects the spinal cord. Chiropractic is a form of holistic health care that focuses on the function of the central nervous system. The Central Nervous System is made up of the brain and spinal cord and is the only organ in the body that is protected by a layer of bone: the skull which protects the brain and the vertebral column (spine) that protects the spinal cord. The brain constantly receives information from external and internal world, and thanks to the function of the central nervous system, it can respond to the needs in that moment by sending information back to the body.

When there is a lack of communication and collaboration between the brain and body, the body can no longer function properly. This  is called a vertebral subluxation.

Subluxations interfere with the vital exchange of information by irritating the nerves, which alters the function of organs and tissues. A specific high velocity, low amplitude chiropractic adjustment performed at the level of subluxation will reconnect the brain and body. This intern increases the body’s innate ability to adapt, which allows it to function at its optimal potential. These chiropractic adjustments therefore help improve the mind-body communications. Our health then returns with improved nervous system control of the body.

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The word “chiropractic” combines the Greek words cheir (hand) and pratikos (done) and means “done by hand”.


by 3 main types of stress

Subluxations are caused

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Physical Stress

Due to motor vehicle accidents,falls off your bicycle, improper lifting, poor posture, and even childbirth.

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Emotional Stress

Caused by chronic stress in the workplace, pandemics, unemployment, loss of loved ones and even generational trauma.

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Chemical Stress

Due to motor vehicle accidents,falls off your bicycle, improper lifting, poor posture, and even childbirth.



  • Neck Pain

  • Referred Pain

  • Degenerative changes

  • Spondylitis

  • Nerve pain

  • Disc protrusion

  • Whiplash

  • Radiculopathy

  • Shoulder Pain or Inflammation

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Bursitis

  • Tingling or numbness  in the arm, fingers, legs or feet

  • Tennis or Golf Elbow

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome





  • Low back pain

  • Referred Pain

  • Degenerative changes

  • Spondylitis

  • Nerve pain

  • Disc protrusion

  • Scoliosis

  • Pelvic Instability

  • Canal Stenosis

  • Sciatica

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Hip pain

  • Colic

  • Difficulties feeding and latching

  • Motor issues

  • Irritability

  • Autism

  • Bed wetting

  • Asthma

  • Difficulties sleeping

  • Lowered  immunity

  • Plagiocephaly

  • Learning disabilities

  • Chronic ear infection

  • Digestive Issues

Symptoms that can occur

in babies and children

General pain


  • Stress

  • Fatigue

  • Poor Posture or Imbalances

  • Generalized Joint Pain

  • Migraine and headaches

  • Jaw dysfunction

  • Muscle tension

  • Digestive issues

  • Low energy

  • Menstrual Pain

  • Decreased quality of sleep


Chiropractic improves:

Health, posture, mental clarity, the immune system, quality of sleep, digestion to name a few.



Chiropractic reduces:

Pain, inflammation, the use of medicine, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, risk of injury to name a few.

Chiropractic works because you are a self healing, self-regulating organism, which is controlled by your nervous system.

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